Jun 4, 2020
Today we’re joined by three very talented ladies from Hercode: Nicky Campa, Avalon Barrie, and Heidi Pease. The three begin by telling us their backgrounds and what led to their involvement in the blockchain industry, each bringing unique qualities and experiences to the team.
Hercode is an initiative within LA Blockchain Lab that focuses on women and diversity in the blockchain space. Over the past year, Hercode has worked with the USC Viterbi School of Engineering to provide courses to teachers in Afghanistan so that they will be equipped to educate young girls about blockchain technology and coding in Solidity. Another program launched by Hercode focuses on educating high school girls in Los Angeles about blockchain.
As difficult as the coronavirus pandemic has been, it has made the Hercode team realize the importance of online education, which is an area they are now focusing on closely. Nicky, Avalon, and Heidi speak to what can come from educating women worldwide on emerging technologies and their excitement to move forward with their vision. They also believe that the pandemic can allow people to recognize the incredible value of blockchain technology, especially as the need for verification and trust becomes that much more pronounced.
Overall, Hercode believes strongly that where you live or your gender should not limit your access to education, and the team hopes to close the gender gap when it comes to participation in the current technological transformation.
Topics covered:
- What our three guests were doing before discovering crypto
- Heidi's journey founding LA Blockchain Lab
- Giving women all over the world the opportunity to learn about blockchain
- The initiatives that Hercode is driving
- Working with partner schools in the Los Angeles area
- Closing the gender gap in the blockchain industry
- Dealing with the global COVID-19 pandemic
- Thinking more strategically to give a quality education to everyone
- Problems in other countries that are not seen in the United States
- Blockchain use cases envisioned by students in Afghanistan
Links to Resources:
LA Blockchain Lab Website: https://www.lablockchainlab.org/
LA Blockchain Lab on Twitter: https://twitter.com/lablockchainlab
Hercode Website: https://www.lablockchainlab.org/hercode
Hercode on Twitter: https://twitter.com/hercodeglobal
Hercode on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hercodeglobal/