May 10, 2018
Emma Channing is the founder and general counsel of Statis group, a premier ICO advisory group. The Satis Group provides end-to-end ICO advisory services including token and offering structuring, legal and tax advice coordination, token / smart contract creation, and investor outreach.
Statis is able to be selective in the companies they decide to work with, so Emma explains what they look for when making these decisions, along with her thoughts on ICOs including recent trends and advantages vs. disadvantages.
Regulations on ICOs in the U.S. have been encouraging most to go offshore. Emma tells us whether she thinks this will continue, shares about her experience as a female leader in the blockchain space, along with advice for people looking for a career in blockchain or crypto.
Topics covered:
- How Statis Group chooses which companies to work with.
- Recent trends in ICOs.
- Advantages and disadvantages to ICOs.
- Predictions for the blockchain and crypto industry.
- Regulations surrounding ICOs in the U.S.
- Emma’s experience as a female leader in the blockchain industry.
- Advice for people looking to get a career in the blockchain & crypto space.