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May 31, 2018

While working abroad, Felipe Huicochea had his pay blocked by both a bank and PayPal. Next, he tried Bitcoin, and it worked perfectly. As a software engineer, from this moment, Felipe became extremely interested in cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.

He started Criptomonedas after noticing that...

May 24, 2018

Leigh Cuen is a journalist at Coindesk and joins us today to talk about the intersection of cryptocurrency and the sex industry.

Both of these spaces have many misconceptions from people outside of the industries, and Leigh is here to help quash them.  

One of the most important things Leigh points out is that if the...

May 17, 2018

Parker McCurley

Parker McCurley is an Ethereum programmer and co-founder of the company Decent. He is a firm believer in open source software, access to free education materials, and the general sentiment of the decentralization movement. He hopes by focusing on the technical, hard facts of how blockchain systems...

May 10, 2018

Emma Channing is the founder and general counsel of Statis group, a premier ICO advisory group. The Satis Group provides end-to-end ICO advisory services including token and offering structuring, legal and tax advice coordination, token / smart contract creation, and investor outreach.


Statis is able to be...

May 3, 2018

John Wise is the CEO & Chairman of the Board of Loci, software is the poised to be the leader of the next generation of search engines, specifically allowing the claim and discovery of patents, inventions, and ideas using the Ethereum blockchain.

John has extensive technical and engineering management experience and is...